Saturday, June 29, 2024

Tag: Eating


5 Smart Healthy Eating Suggestions For Ramadan

The month of Ramadan is here, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, is the period when Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset. Foods...

Top 10 Healthy Suggestions for Holiday Eating

The vacation season is fun, stuffed with family and friends, dining on delightful meals and creating beautiful memories together. Most times, you may be...

8 Signs Your Body Says You are Not Eating Enough

Learn to acknowledge the signs and symptoms your body uses to speak to you that you just aren’t eating enough.  Stress, busy schedules, illnesses, grief,...

Mindful Eating for Emotional Wellness: How one can Use Mindfulness to Deal with Stress, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

As a mindfulness-based registered dietitian with a decade of experience, I even have seen the transformative power of mindful eating in improving emotional wellness. Stress,...

Mindful Eating Journal Prompts – Nutrition Stripped®

Use these mindful eating journal prompts and reflection inquiries to assess your current relationship with food. Mindful eating is all about finding what works in...

The Difference Between Mindful Eating vs. Mindless Eating

As a mindfulness-based Registered Dietitian and coach, I often discuss “mindful eating” and “mindless eating.” While the 2 concepts could appear similar, they really...

Mindful Eating: The Raisin Activity and Guided Meditation

Have you ever ever found yourself reaching for a bag of chips or a candy bar without even realizing it? Or perhaps you’ve eaten...


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