Monday, July 8, 2024
HomeWorkout TipsExposed - Mr. Olympia Full-Body Workout Routine!

Exposed – Mr. Olympia Full-Body Workout Routine!


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A past multiple-Mr. Olympia champion recently revealed the training regimen he used to construct his strong, balanced foundation of muscle that had him winning shows before he was 21 and winning the Mr. Olympia title before he was 30.

Initially, he began off with six weeks of full-body workouts, as a way to allow his body to turn out to be accustomed to training. After that, he spent three years following a mass-building routine, which he credits as forming the bottom of muscle, which allowed him to turn out to be knowledgeable bodybuilder and later, win multiple Mr. Olympia titles. Here is that mass-building routine:

Week 1:

Monday – W1

Tuesday – Rest

Wednesday – W2

Thursday – Rest

Friday – Rest

Saturday – W1

Sunday – Rest

Week 2:

Monday – W2

Tuesday – Rest

Wednesday – Rest

Thursday – W1

Friday – Rest

Saturday – W2

Sunday – Rest

Workout One (W1)

Bench Press – 3×8

Incline Press – 3×8

Incline Flies – 2×8-10

Chins/Pull Downs – 3×8

Barbell Rows – 3×8

Dead Lifts – 3×8

Behind The Neck Press – 3×8

Side Laterals – 2×8

Bent Laterals – 2×8

Crunches – 3xmax

Hanging Leg Raises – 3xmax

Workout Two (W2)

Barbell Squats – 4×8

Hack Squats – 3×8

Leg Curls – 3×8

Standing Calf Raises – 3×8

Barbell Curls – 3×8

One-Arm Preacher Curls 2×8

Triceps Pushdowns 3×8

Lying Triceps Extensions 2×8

Duration: Roughly 60 Min/Workout.

This routine definitely contradicts lots of the pros routines featured in muscle magazines. That’s because what’s featured in magazines may be very often the advanced routines that pros use once they’re ALREADY BUILD THAT FOUNDATION OF MUSCLE. The routines they used to construct that muscle are sometimes neglected, because they’re easy, low-volume, and infrequently very unexciting. But, as one Mr. Olympia will attest to, a low-volume, heavy foundation program works wonders!


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