Wednesday, June 26, 2024
HomeWorkout TipsLee Priest's Insane Arm Workout

Lee Priest’s Insane Arm Workout


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Lee Priest is one of the vital well-known and revered bodybuilders from the 90’s and early 2000’s. While he never won an Olympia title, Priest consistently had a few of one of the best arms within the history of the game.

We’re going to try the extreme arm workout that Lee used to construct his legendary guns and a few of his general fitness suggestions. For those who’re brave enough to present this sleeve-ripping workout a shot, keep reading.

Lee Priest’s Arm Workout

On several occasions, Priest has said that he loved training with high volume like a few of the greats of yesteryear, reminiscent of Arnold. So, without further ado, here’s the workout:

Superset 1: Overhead Cable Curls/Rope Pushdown

3 sets of 10 reps each

Superset 2: Incline Dumbbell Curls/Triceps Pushdowns

4 sets of 10-12 reps each

Superset 3: Hammer Strength Machine Triceps Extension/Machine Preacher Curls

3 sets of 10-12 reps each

Superset 4: EZ Curls/High Pulley Overhead Triceps Extensions

3 sets of 10-20 reps each

Superset 5: Alternating Hammer Curls/Single-Arm Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extension

3 sets of 10-12 reps each

Dumbbell Wrist Curl – Optional

2 sets to failure

Five Lee Priest Training Suggestions

Whether you want him or not, Lee Priest knows easy methods to construct a killer physique. Listed below are five tricks to aid you make essentially the most out of your gym sessions.

1. Change Rep Ranges

For basic standalone mass-building exercises (barbell curl, dumbbell curls, close grip bench, etc…), aim for a rep range of 6-8. For other exercises and supersets, persist with the 10-12 rep range.

2. Don’t Sacrifice Form For Weight

It’s more vital to have strict form than moving an enormous amount of weight. The entire point of the exercise is to emphasize the muscle, and in breaking form, you are just cheating yourself out of possible gains.

3. At all times Warm Up Properly

Too often, you will see people jump into an exercise without properly getting warmed up. Take bench press, for instance. Getting a feel for the bar and the way the movement feels on that exact day can prevent from potential injury. Not to say that warm-up sets can ensure that your joints and muscles are able to move serious weight.

4. Focus On Contraction

This one plays off of number 2. The mind-muscle connection is an actual thing. For those who’re doing a set of biceps curls, you should not be worrying about what song is playing in your headphones, what weight the person next to you is doing, or what that cutie on the cable tower is wearing. It’s best to give attention to the pump and check out to construct your biceps to be as big as a mountain or try to construct them to seem like your favorite bodybuilder’s arms.

5. Don’t Train Arms The Day Before Chest/Back Workouts

Training your arms before heavy lifts reminiscent of bench press or pulldowns may end up in your arms fatiguing before those greater muscles have a probability to work to their full potential. For those who are planning on working your tris or bis on the identical day as a bigger muscle group, do it after you sufficiently hit those muscles.


There you’ve got an absolute beast of an arm workout, and another training suggestions to recollect as you are hitting the gym. We would love to listen to from anyone that has taken on the Lee Priest Arm Workout Gauntlet within the comments below.


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