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HomeWorkout TipsTaylor Swift Workout: The Training Behind Her Eras Tour

Taylor Swift Workout: The Training Behind Her Eras Tour


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While you hear the name Taylor Swift, a couple of things come to mind. For one, she is a world sensation, arguably essentially the most celebrity on this planet. Every move is fastidiously curated, only an easy scroll away.

Then there’s the music. After all, the music. Taylor Swift’s 2023 Eras Tour is the highest-grossing music tour in history, becoming the primary to exceed $1 billion in revenue. Taylor Swift is greater than a singer; she’s a cultural phenomenon. And if she couldn’t get any more popular, 2023 has been a dream scenario, as she was named Time Magazine Person of the 12 months.

But, within the whirlwind of Taylor Swift’s dazzling profession within the highlight, it’s no surprise her physique is a subject of conversation. To the Swifties that follow her every move, she has grow to be a beacon of inspiration for her down-to-earth approach to fitness. Yes, you read that right—Taylor Swift not only conquers the music charts but additionally embraces a refreshingly relatable workout routine. 

Are you interested by how she stays fit while navigating the demands of fame? Join us as we uncover the secrets of Taylor Swift’s exercise routine, breaking down the simplicity and practicality that make it accessible to everyone. 

Table of contents:

  • Taylor Swift’s Treadmill Workout 
  • Full Taylor Swift Workout Routine
  • What You Need To Know About Taylor Swift’s Fitness Journey
  • Taylor Swift’s Fitness Principles
  • Taylor Swifts Food regimen
  • Suggestions for eating and exercising like Taylor Swift
  • FAQs 

Taylor Swift’s Treadmill Workout

Taylor Swift’s workout was every day treadmill sessions, singing the Eras setlist, “Fast for fast songs, and a jog or a quick walk for slow songs.” She disclosed this routine in an interview with Time Magazine.¹ We suspect she kept her overall effort within the Zone 2 range, which I’ll get into a bit of further down.

Preparing for her Eras Tour was no joke. To coach, Taylor included plenty of running, lifting weights, dancing, and practicing her performance.

Previously, she has done workouts from Body by Simone, a mix of cardio, dance, and Pilates training designed by celebrity trainer Simone De La Rue. These sessions mix vigorous music and choreography to make fitness fun.

Nevertheless, since Taylor was already doing a lot dancing in preparation for the tour, she traded within the dance workouts for lifting weights. That said, essentially the most unique aspect of her preparation was what she did on the treadmill to assist her get “tour legs.”

Remember, all the set list includes greater than forty songs. It’s unclear if Taylor did over three hours of cardio every single day, but let’s assume she did loads. Although it is easy to see why she included the singing, there’s also a scientific rationale for why it’s best to.

Zone 2 cardio refers to exercising at a moderate intensity with an elevated heart rate but still inside a cushty range. This zone typically corresponds to 60-70% of your maximum heart rate. Engaging in Zone 2 cardio is beneficial since it helps improve cardiovascular fitness, enhances endurance, and is comparatively easy to do. Nevertheless, apart from wearing a heart rate monitor, speaking is a strategy to tell in the event you are in the right zone. For those who can comfortably chat (or sing) while exercising, you are likely in Zone 2, striking a balance that promotes aerobic fitness without pushing yourself too hard. As soon as you grow to be too breathless to belt out one in all Taylor’s songs, you’re going too fast.

taylor swift dance workout

Full Taylor Swift Workout Routine

Based on my experience as a private trainer for the past several years and where Taylor Swift has a gym membership, I’ve created a speculative program that she could have followed.

Start each workout with 5 minutes of sunshine cardio to warm up. 

Day 1

Superset: Perform these two exercises back to back with stopping. Rest 2 minutes between supersets.

1a. Dumbbell or Kettlebell Goblet Squat: 3 sets x 10-15 reps

1b. Band-Assisted Chin-Up: 3 sets x 6-8 reps

Circuit #1: 3 rounds (rest 2 minutes between rounds) 

  • Dumbbell Walking Lunges: 12 steps per leg
  • TRX Rows: 10-12 reps
  • Plank: 30 seconds
  • Assault Bike 30 seconds all-out effort 

Circuit #2: 3 rounds (rest 2 minutes between rounds) 

  • TRX Push-ups: 6-8 reps
  • Russian Twists with Medicine Ball: 12-15 reps per side
  • Decline Sit-up Throws with Medicine Ball: 12-15 reps.
  • Battle Rope: 30 seconds all-out effort

Day 2

Superset: Perform these two exercises back to back with stopping. Rest 2 minutes between supersets.

1a. Barbell Hip Thrust: 3 sets x 8-10 reps

1b. Overhead Barbell Press: 3 sets x 6-8 reps

Circuit #1: 3 rounds (rest 2 minutes between rounds) 

  • Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat: 10-12 reps per leg
  • Dumbbell One Arm Rows: 10-12 reps per side
  • Side Plank: 30 seconds per side
  • Prowler Push: 30 seconds all-out effort 

Circuit #2: 3 rounds (rest 2 minutes between rounds) 

  • Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift: 8-10 reps
  • Hanging Leg/Knee Raise: 8-10 reps
  • Kettlebell Swing: 12-15 reps
  • Ski Erg or Concept 2 Rower: 30 seconds all-out effort

Day 3

Superset: Perform these two exercises back to back with stopping. Rest 2 minutes between supersets.

1a. Trap Bar Deadlift: 4 sets x 6-8 reps

1b. Dumbbell One Arm Bench Press: 3 sets x 8-10 reps per side

Circuit #1: 3 rounds (rest 2 minutes between rounds) 

  • Box Jump: 3-5 reps 
  • Dumbbell Hammer Curl: 12-15 reps
  • Band Triceps Pressdown: 12-15 reps
  • Assault Bike 30 seconds all-out effort 

Circuit #2: 3 rounds (rest 2 minutes between rounds) 

  • Kneeling Landmine Press: 10-12 reps per side
  • Bicycle Crunches: 10-15 reps per side
  • Weighted Back Extensions: 10-12 reps
  • Burpees: 30 seconds, as many reps as possible

does taylor swift workout

Unfortunately, there’s little known about her strength and conditioning workouts. Nevertheless, we all know she trains at an exclusive underground gym in Recent York City called the Dogpound, founded by longtime personal trainer Kirk Myers. The Dogpound just isn’t your average gym.

Besides the exceptionally high prices and A-list celebrity client roster, you have to apply to get through the door. On the web site, getting a membership reads more like a job application or a sign-up form for a secret society. You may’t just hand them your bank card. But don’t fret; there shall be loads of time for that in the event you make it that far. The baseline membership at this place costs over $700 a month.

As with all the pieces, you get what you pay for. And large-time fitness results are priceless. Despite the worth tag, the Dogpound gym is a throwback. It’s an old-school gym stuffed with free weights and odd objects. The excellent news is that you simply need not spend $700 monthly to do that routine. You may do a lot of these exercises at your local gym.

workout taylor swift

What You Have to Know About Taylor Swift’s Fitness Journey

For those who emptied your life savings to go to one in all Taylor’s shows this 12 months, the sort of stamina she displayed while performing. For those who were absent, let me drop some numbers on you. 

Her Eras Tour performances included over forty songs lasting greater than three hours. I do not learn about you, but singing and dancing for 3 hours seems like running a marathon. Taylor should have agreed with that sentiment because she prepared for the tour like someone training for an ultra-endurance event.

In her interview with Time Magazine, Taylor explained that she began preparing six months before the tour began. “I knew this tour was harder than anything I’d ever done before by an extended shot,” she stated. “I finally, for the very first time, physically prepared accurately.”²

As previously mentioned, her training included running on the treadmill, strength and conditioning work within the gym, and plenty of dance practice. Leading as much as the tour, she took three months of dance lessons with choreographer Mandy Moore. 


taylor swift workout songs

Taylor Swift’s Fitness Principles

Listed here are three workout principles Taylor follows to perform at her best. 

1. Prioritize Running and Lifting Weights

For fitness, she runs and lifts weights. It doesn’t matter in the event you are an elite athlete, average Joe, or the most important celebrity on this planet; running and lifting is a wonderful fitness prescription. Combining running and lifting weights offers a well-rounded approach, enhancing cardiovascular endurance from running and promoting strength and muscle development through resistance training. This mixture maximizes overall fitness, helping you get in great shape.

2. Practicing Her Performance 

Fitness is about greater than just “figuring out.” A part of being fit is finding ways to include activity into your every day life. For T-Swift, that’s practicing her performance. Imagine the work of preparing for a tour with tons of of three-hour shows, sometimes performing three shows straight. It’s higher to be over-rehearsed than under-prepared.

3. Utilize Recovery Days

Taking time for recovery is missing in most individuals’s fitness routines. All the pieces you do is a stress, including training, and stress requires recovery. There isn’t any doubt Taylor is busy, but as busy as she is, she still schedules time for self-care. For recovery, she doesn’t leave her bed for a full day. Her recovery days include plenty of sleeping and barely talking to anyone. After back-to-back shows, she will barely speak. On these intense recovery days, she only gets away from bed to grab food.

taylor swift treadmill workout

Taylor Swift’s Food regimen

There may be very little details about Taylor’s weight loss plan, and he or she likely doesn’t follow a nutrition plan. Based on interviews and discussions, here is an example of what a typical day of eating might seem like.


  • Starbucks Skinny Vanilla Latte 
  • Egg, ham, and cheese (parmesan) buckwheat crepes 
  • A glass of orange juice 


  • Grilled chicken sandwich 
  • Side salad
  • Food regimen Coke


  • Yogurt
  • Pumpkin bread or ginger molasses cookies 


  • Chicken tenders 
  • Ketchup and ranch
  • Food regimen Coke 

Approximate every day nutrition breakdown: 100g of protein, 200g of carbohydrates, 100g of fat, and 2100 calories.

Overall, Taylor takes a balanced approach to nutrition, using common sense to make food selections. She doesn’t eat like a fitness competitor but doesn’t must. 

One change she has made recently is cutting out alcohol. Admittedly, Taylor said she used to act like a frat guy on tour. But, a couple of months before the Eras Tour began, she stopped drinking and has remained disciplined to that (besides Grammy night).

Other than the additional calories, alcohol also negatively affects sleep and recovery. One thing Taylor does drink is water. And a ton of it. She drinks about ten bottles of water a day. 

She eats pretty clean in the course of the week but allows herself some treats on the weekend. Like the remaining of us, Taylor loves burgers, fries, and ice cream. Her favorite food is chicken tenders. Taylor likes to cook, too. She especially enjoys baking around the vacations. 

taylor swift supplements

Taylor Swift Complement Stack

Taylor just isn’t big on supplements, but she does take two consistently – L-theanine for stress and anxiety and magnesium for muscle health and energy.

L-theanine: L-theanine is an amino acid in tea leaves, especially green tea. It is understood for calming the mind and body without causing drowsiness. Theanine also promotes rest and may help reduce stress and anxiety. For those who eat plenty of caffeine, consider having l-theanine with it. Combined with caffeine, they create a state of focused alertness without the jittery feeling often related to caffeine alone. Theanine helps smooth out the stimulant effects of caffeine and reduces the potential for anxiety or restlessness.

Yow will discover an amazing caffeine/l-theanine combination in our article on the Best Caffeine Pills.

Magnesium: Magnesium is a mineral crucial in various bodily functions, including muscle and bone health and blood sugar regulation. Supplementing with magnesium can profit many individuals, as it might help alleviate muscle cramps, support rest, improve sleep quality, and aid in overall energy production and metabolism.

 You may take a look at our favourite picks for the Best Magnesium Supplements here.

Suggestions for Eating and Exercising like Taylor Swift

As is commonly said, success leaves clues. Listed here are 4 suggestions for eating and exercising like Taylor. 

1. Lace Up Your Running Shoes 

I’m not saying it’s worthwhile to run on the treadmill for 3 hours every day, but when you must follow Taylor’s lead, you have to do cardio. For those who are recent to cardio, placed on your favorite songs and walk for 15-20 minutes. Over time, increase your time and distance. Bonus points in the event you sing along. 

2. Dance Training

You may’t follow the Taylor Swift workout routine without dancing. It’s an enormous a part of her training for the tour, and it’s excellent exercise. After all, you possibly can dance on your individual, but when you must take it up a notch, consider taking a dance class a few days every week. 

3. Take a Common Sense Approach to Nutrition 

Nutrition is a touchy subject. Everyone has an opinion on the “best weight loss plan.” Taylor takes a typical sense approach to nutrition. Make healthy selections more often than not, but allow yourself some treats here and there. For those who are figuring out consistently, you simply should be on top of your weight loss plan 80% of the time to see results. 

4. Drink Plenty of Water

Most individuals could be higher off in the event that they drank more water. Follow Taylor’s lead and at all times have a bottle of water with you. Drinking plenty of water helps maintain proper bodily functions, supports digestion, and keeps organs functioning optimally. Staying hydrated also aids nutrient absorption and regulates body temperature.

taylor swift diet plan


Questions on Taylor Swift’s routine? Let’s answer them!

Does Taylor Swift workout?

Yes, Taylor incorporates workouts into her routine.

What form of exercise does Taylor Swift do?

For exercise, Taylor runs on a treadmill, lifts weights, and dances.

What’s the Taylor Swift treadmill workout?

The “Taylor Swift treadmill workout” refers to a viral cardio routine she reportedly follows, involving singing her setlist from the Eras Tour while walking and running on the treadmill.

What’s Taylor Swift’s every day routine?

Taylor Swift’s every day routine can vary, however it often includes songwriting, recording, exercising, and spending time with family and friends.

What does Taylor Swift eat?

Taylor Swift’s weight loss plan is a little bit of a mystery, but she has mentioned having fun with a balanced approach with an emphasis on whole foods and occasional indulgences.

Taylor Swift’s Workout Routine: Key Takeaways

In unveiling the intricacies of Taylor Swift’s workout routine, the resounding takeaway is it’s remarkably basic. Taylor embraces a simple approach that anyone can integrate into their every day lives. She runs on the treadmill, lifts weights, and dances. All it’s worthwhile to do is start.

As we conclude this exploration, let’s embrace the indisputable fact that Taylor makes time to exercise. Time is commonly one in all the most important excuses for stopping people from reaching their fitness goals. It’s cliche, but all of us have the identical 24 hours. If someone as busy as Taylor, performing concert events worldwide, can put aside time to exercise, you and I can, too. Moreover, let this be a reminder that health and fitness are within sight for everybody and that usually, essentially the most effective routines are those that echo with simplicity.



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