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HomeMind and SoulHarnessing the Power of 350 Chakra Affirmations for Balance and Inner Peace

Harnessing the Power of 350 Chakra Affirmations for Balance and Inner Peace


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Chakra affirmations direct awareness and positivity to the body’s energetic centers. Repeating a chakra affirma˜tion day by day will help improve physical, emotional and spiritual well-being by enabling the free flow of energy through these choke points. 

Combining a chakra affirmation practice with mindfulness strengthens our relationship with the body and its wisdom. After we turn our attention to sensations in and across the chakras, we turn into available for insight regarding where within the body we feel spacious, and where we could use some gentle care.

350 Chakra Affirmations: Your Path to Spiritual Harmony

Root Chakra (Muladhara):

  • I’m grounded and connected to the Earth’s energy.
  • I trust the universe to supply for all my needs.
  • My body is a vessel of strength and vitality.
  • I release all fears and insecurities that hold me back.
  • I’m protected, supported, and secure in my life.
  • I’m rooted in the current moment.
  • I’m financially responsible and attract abundance.
  • I trust the means of life and remain resilient.
  • I honor my body and treat it with respect.
  • I’m grateful for the soundness in my life.
  • I’m connected to the natural world around me.
  • I trust my instincts and make decisions with confidence.
  • I release all negativity and embrace positivity.
  • I’m in charge of my very own life and destiny.
  • I’m firmly anchored in my beliefs and values.
  • I’m grateful for the support of my ancestors.
  • I’m strong, capable, and courageous.
  • I’m open to receiving the abundance of the universe.
  • I’m grounded within the wisdom of my experiences.
  • I’m a pillar of stability in all that I do.
  • I trust the means of life and embrace change.
  • I release any attachments that now not serve me.
  • I’m at peace with my past and look to the long run.
  • I’m connected to the energy of the Earth’s core.
  • I’m confident in my ability to handle challenges.
  • I’m protected and secure in all my relationships.
  • I trust my intuition to guide me.
  • I’m supported by the universe in all my endeavors.
  • I’m rooted in love and compassion.
  • I’m open to receiving the abundance of the Earth.
  • I’m strong and resilient just like the roots of a tree.
  • I release all tension and negativity from my body.
  • I’m in tune with my body’s natural rhythms.
  • I trust within the flow of life and go together with the present.
  • I’m grateful for the easy pleasures of life.
  • I’m firmly grounded in my beliefs and values.
  • I’m open to alter and growth.
  • I’m in harmony with my surroundings.
  • I release all worries concerning the future.
  • I’m protected and guarded in any respect times.
  • I trust within the abundance of the universe.
  • I’m connected to the energy of the Earth.
  • I’m in tune with my physical sensations.
  • I’m rooted within the strength of my character.
  • I’m supported by the energy of the Earth.
  • I’m at peace with the past and stay up for the long run.
  • I’m in charge of my very own life.
  • I’m grounded, stable, and secure.
  • I’m open to receiving the blessings of the Earth.
  • I’m a powerful and resilient individual.
Chakra Affirmations for Balance and Inner Peace

Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana):

  • I embrace my creative energy and permit it to flow freely.
  • My emotions are a source of wisdom and strength.
  • I’m in contact with my sensuality and express it with joy.
  • Pleasure and joy are natural parts of my life.
  • I’m comfortable with my sexuality and desires.
  • My relationships are stuffed with love, respect, and keenness.
  • I honor my emotional boundaries and desires.
  • I’m in tune with my creative intuition.
  • I nurture my inner child with love and care.
  • I’m open to the wonder and abundance of life.
  • I’m in harmony with my emotions, and I express them with ease.
  • I allow myself to experience pleasure without guilt.
  • I embrace the sacredness of my body.
  • I’m open to exploring my sensuality and desires.
  • My relationships are a source of growth and transformation.
  • I’m in contact with my emotional needs and communicate them.
  • I trust my intuition and gut feelings.
  • My creative energy flows effortlessly.
  • I’m playful and spontaneous.
  • I’m open to latest experiences and adventures.
  • I release any guilt or shame related to my desires.
  • I’m in contact with the ebb and flow of life.
  • I’m open to the healing power of creativity.
  • I’m deserving of affection and pleasure.
  • I’m passionate and alive in all that I do.
  • I express my feelings and emotions with authenticity.
  • I honor my body as a temple of affection.
  • I’m open to receiving and giving love freely.
  • I embrace the sensual great thing about life.
  • I’m in tune with the rhythms of my body.
  • I trust the guidance of my emotions.
  • I’m balanced in my emotional expression.
  • I’m in contact with my desires and act upon them with respect.
  • I’m open to the flow of abundance and creativity.
  • I’m comfortable with my vulnerability.
  • I’m deserving of enjoyment and happiness.
  • I’m a magnet for love and positive relationships.
  • I’m connected to my creative source.
  • I’m open to the pleasures of the current moment.
  • I’m a source of joy and inspiration to others.
  • I’m free to specific my true self in all situations.
  • I’m open to exploring my passions and hobbies.
  • I’m in tune with my body’s wisdom.
  • I’m deserving of affection and intimacy.
  • I’m open to receiving and giving affection.
  • I’m aware of my wants and desires.
  • I trust the flow of life and go together with it.
  • I’m in contact with my emotional intelligence.
  • I’m a creative force of nature.
  • I’m a radiant being of enjoyment and joy.
350 Chakra Affirmations for Balance and Inner Peace

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):

  • I’m confident and consider in my capabilities.
  • I trust in my ability to make decisions.
  • I’m worthy of success and achievement.
  • I’m a robust and radiant being.
  • My personal power positively influences my surroundings.
  • I release self-doubt and embrace my self-worth.
  • I manifest my desires with clarity and intention.
  • I take inspired actions towards my goals.
  • I’m a magnet for prosperity and abundance.
  • I’m in charge of my destiny.
  • I trust my intuition and gut feelings.
  • I’m courageous within the face of challenges.
  • I’m confident in my ability to handle any situation.
  • I’m the master of my very own life.
  • I’m strong, capable, and resilient.
  • I’m open to receiving the abundance of the universe.
  • I’m driven by my passion and purpose.
  • I’m in harmony with my personal power.
  • I’m a frontrunner in my very own life.
  • I’m confident in expressing my authentic self.
  • I’m aligned with my inner strength and wisdom.
  • I release all fears of rejection or failure.
  • I’m open to receiving recognition and success.
  • I’m a force for positive change on the earth.
  • I trust my instincts and inner guidance.
  • I’m confident in my ability to realize my dreams.
  • I’m in charge of my thoughts and emotions.
  • I’m a beacon of self-assuredness and confidence.
  • I’m open to latest opportunities and possibilities.
  • I’m in tune with my inner fire and motivation.
  • I’m unshakeable in my self-belief.
  • I release all doubts and limitations.
  • I’m aligned with my authentic self-expression.
  • I’m open to receiving the rewards of my exertions.
  • I’m confident in my decision-making abilities.
  • I’m a source of inspiration to others.
  • I’m in contact with my personal power center.
  • I’m deserving of all of the success and prosperity that comes my way.
  • I’m confident in my ability to create the life I desire.
  • I’m open to taking risks and seizing opportunities.
  • I’m resilient within the face of adversity.
  • I release all negative energy that now not serves me.
  • I’m confident in my leadership skills.
  • I’m open to the flow of abundance in all areas of my life.
  • I’m a magnet for positive experiences and other people.
  • I trust my inner wisdom to guide me.
  • I’m self-assured and poised in all situations.
  • I’m open to achieving my goals with grace and ease.
  • I’m aligned with my inner fire and motivation.
  • I’m a robust and assured creator of my reality.
350 Chakra Affirmations for Balance and Inner Peace

Heart Chakra (Anahata):

  • Love is the essence of my being.
  • I’m open to giving and receiving love unconditionally.
  • I forgive myself and others, letting go of resentment.
  • My heart is a source of healing and compassion.
  • I’m in harmony with all living beings.
  • I’m grateful for the love that surrounds me.
  • I’m worthy of affection, acceptance, and belonging.
  • I radiate love and kindness to the world.
  • I connect deeply with others through my heart.
  • My relationships are stuffed with harmony and trust.
  • I’m a vessel of affection and compassion.
  • I release any barriers to like inside me.
  • I’m open to receiving and giving affection.
  • I’m in contact with my emotions and express them authentically.
  • I’m a magnet for loving and nurturing relationships.
  • I’m at peace with past hurts and wounds.
  • I’m deserving of all of the love that comes my way.
  • I’m in tune with the universal love that flows through me.
  • I’m a source of comfort and support to others.
  • My heart is a beacon of sunshine and love.
  • I’m open to the wonder and joy of life.
  • I’m in contact with my heart’s desires and follow them.
  • I’m compassionate toward myself and others.
  • I’m open to like in all its forms.
  • I’m kind and loving to myself.
  • I’m open to experiencing deep emotional connections.
  • I’m in tune with the rhythms of affection.
  • I’m a loving and nurturing friend and partner.
  • I’m surrounded by love and loving people.
  • I’m a channel for divine love and healing.
  • I’m open to forgiveness and reconciliation.
  • I’m at peace with my past relationships.
  • I’m loving and accepting of myself exactly as I’m.
  • I’m a source of unconditional love.
  • I’m open to receiving love from unexpected sources.
  • I’m connected to the collective heart of humanity.
  • I’m worthy of affection and happiness.
  • I’m open to sharing my heart’s wisdom with others.
  • I’m gentle and compassionate toward myself.
  • I’m a radiant being of affection and style.
  • I’m open to the flow of affection and abundance.
  • I’m a conduit of affection’s healing energy.
  • I’m open to the transformative power of affection.
  • I’m in harmony with the love that surrounds me.
  • I’m accepting of affection in all its forms.
  • I’m open to receiving and giving love with ease.
  • I’m grateful for the love that fills my life.
  • I’m a source of affection and light-weight to others.
  • I’m in contact with the deep well of affection inside me.
  • I’m a heart-centered being, radiating like to all.
350 Chakra Affirmations for Balance and Inner Peace

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):

  • I express myself truthfully and authentically.
  • My voice is powerful, and my words create positive change.
  • I communicate with clarity and confidence.
  • I listen attentively to others without judgment.
  • I speak my truth with love and respect for others.
  • My thoughts and words align with my highest good.
  • I’m a confident and articulate communicator.
  • I express my creativity through words and actions.
  • My voice is a force for positive transformation.
  • I’m in perfect alignment with my divine purpose.
  • I trust my intuition and inner guidance.
  • I’m open to the healing power of my very own words.
  • I’m aware of the impact of my words on others.
  • I’m a talented and effective communicator.
  • I express myself with authenticity and integrity.
  • I release all fear of speaking my truth.
  • I’m confident in my ability to convey my ideas.
  • I’m open to receiving and giving constructive feedback.
  • I’m a transparent and concise communicator.
  • I’m open to latest ideas and perspectives.
  • I honor my unique voice and perspective.
  • I’m listener and understand the facility of silence.
  • I’m in contact with my inner wisdom and intuition.
  • I’m open to sharing my knowledge with others.
  • I’m a source of inspiration through my words.
  • I release any inhibitions in expressing myself.
  • I’m open to creative self-expression.
  • I’m a conduit for divine messages and insights.
  • I’m in alignment with my true voice.
  • I’m open to the flow of communication in my life.
  • I’m aware of the impact of my words on my reality.
  • I’m a transparent and effective communicator in all situations.
  • I’m open to honest and constructive conversations.
  • I’m confident in my ability to convey my emotions.
  • I’m a positive influence through my words and actions.
  • I release all self-doubt in expressing myself.
  • I’m open to expressing my feelings authentically.
  • I’m a vessel for clear and meaningful communication.
  • I’m open to sharing my knowledge and wisdom.
  • I’m a beacon of truth and authenticity.
  • I’m open to the facility of self-expression.
  • I’m a talented and empathetic listener.
  • I’m in harmony with my inner and outer worlds.
  • I’m open to using my voice for healing and transformation.
  • I’m a bridge of understanding between people.
  • The words I speak are true and sort.
  • I’m open to the flow of creative ideas and inspiration.
  • I’m a source of clarity and understanding.
  • I’m in contact with the energy of my throat chakra.
  • I’m a confident and authentic communicator.
350 Chakra Affirmations for Balance and Inner Peace

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna):

  • I trust my intuition and inner wisdom.
  • I see beyond appearances and perceive deeper truths.
  • My mind is evident, focused, and free from distractions.
  • I’m in tune with my higher self and inner guidance.
  • I’m open to receiving divine insights and revelations.
  • I trust the journey of self-discovery and self-awareness.
  • My inner vision guides me towards my true path.
  • I’m in alignment with my higher purpose and destiny.
  • I’m a channel for divine knowledge and understanding.
  • I see the wonder and interconnectedness of all things.
  • I’m open to receiving and interpreting signs and symbols.
  • I trust my instincts and gut feelings.
  • I’m in contact with my inner sight and clairvoyant abilities.
  • I’m open to the wisdom of my dreams and subconscious mind.
  • I’m in harmony with my inner and outer worlds.
  • I release all limiting beliefs and perceptions.
  • I’m a transparent and open channel for spiritual guidance.
  • I’m open to exploring the depths of my consciousness.
  • I’m connected to the universal consciousness.
  • I’m a beacon of inner light and insight.
  • I’m aware of the subtle energies around me.
  • I trust within the messages I receive from my higher self.
  • I’m open to the magic and mystery of life.
  • I’m in tune with my inner wisdom and intuition.
  • I’m a seeker of truth and better knowledge.
  • I release all illusions and falsehoods from my mind.
  • I’m open to the inner guidance of my soul.
  • I’m a vessel for divine inspiration and creativity.
  • I’m in contact with my psychic and intuitive abilities.
  • I’m aligned with my inner vision and inner peace.
  • I trust the facility of my inner eye to guide me.
  • I’m open to exploring the realms of consciousness.
  • I’m in harmony with my inner and outer perceptions.
  • I’m open to receiving guidance from higher dimensions.
  • I’m a transparent and receptive channel for spiritual insights.
  • I release all doubts about my intuitive abilities.
  • I’m open to the flow of spiritual energy.
  • I’m aware of the interconnectedness of all beings.
  • I’m a source of inner knowing and clarity.
  • I’m in contact with my inner truth and wisdom.
  • I trust my inner vision to guide me on my path.
  • I’m open to receiving messages from my higher self.
  • I’m attuned to the energies of the universe.
  • I’m open to exploring the depths of my consciousness.
  • I’m a conduit for divine guidance and revelation.
  • I release all fears and doubts about my intuitive abilities.
  • I’m open to the mysteries of the universe.
  • I’m connected to the universal mind and wisdom.
  • I’m a channel for higher knowledge and insight.
  • I’m a radiant being of spiritual awareness and insight.
350 Chakra Affirmations for Balance and Inner Peace

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara):

  • I’m connected to the universal consciousness.
  • I’m one with the divine and the infinite.
  • My spirit is free, boundless, and everlasting.
  • I’m open to receiving spiritual enlightenment and wisdom.
  • I’m a vessel of divine love, light, and truth.
  • I give up to the flow of life and trust within the universe.
  • I’m at peace with all that’s, was, and will probably be.
  • I’m in harmony with the cosmos and its divine plan.
  • I’m aligned with the best vibrations of existence.
  • I’m a beacon of spiritual awakening and transformation.
  • I’m open to the wisdom of the universe.
  • I’m in contact with my higher self and inner guidance.
  • I’m aware of the interconnectedness of all beings.
  • I’m a conduit for divine energy and healing.
  • I’m in tune with the rhythm of the universe.
  • I release all attachments to material possessions.
  • I’m a source of affection and light-weight to the world.
  • I’m open to receiving divine insights and revelations.
  • I’m a vessel for divine purpose and inspiration.
  • I’m connected to the energy of divine consciousness.
  • I’m open to the flow of divine grace and blessings.
  • I’m aware of the divine presence inside and around me.
  • I’m in harmony with the divine order of the universe.
  • I’m a channel for divine love and compassion.
  • I’m open to the mysteries of existence.
  • I’m in contact with the everlasting nature of my soul.
  • I’m a source of peace and serenity to others.
  • I’m aligned with the upper truths of the universe.
  • I’m open to receiving divine guidance and direction.
  • I’m attuned to the frequencies of divine consciousness.
  • I’m connected to the wisdom of the ages.
  • I’m in tune with the sacredness of all life.
  • I’m a vessel for divine healing and transformation.
  • I’m open to the infinite possibilities of the universe.
  • I’m in contact with the divine order of creation.
  • I’m a conduit for divine love and light-weight.
  • I’m aware of the divine purpose behind all experiences.
  • I’m aligned with the divine plan for my life.
  • I’m a source of divine inspiration and wisdom.
  • I’m open to the divine energy of the cosmos.
  • I’m connected to the universal source of wisdom.
  • I’m in harmony with the divine flow of life.
  • I’m a vessel for divine energy and healing.
  • I’m open to the divine guidance of my soul.
  • I’m in contact with the everlasting nature of my being.
  • I’m a channel for divine love and style.
  • I’m aware of the interconnectedness of all souls.
  • I’m aligned with the divine light inside me.
  • I’m open to the divine presence in every moment.
  • I’m a radiant being of divine consciousness and love.
350 Chakra Affirmations for Balance and Inner Peace

What are Chakra Affirmations?

Affirmations for the chakras are temporary, positive statements that align with each of the body’s 7 major energetic centers. Chakra affirmations are phrased in the primary person as in the event that they are already true. Speaking a chakra affirmation aloud, while directing the mind’s attention to the corresponding chakra point, helps release trapped, stagnant energy.   

Do Affirmations for Chakras Work?

Yes, affirmations for chakras work, and are particularly effective once we partner them with mindful awareness of the body. 

Chakras might be visualized as energetic choke points. When the natural flow of energy is impeded, we experience physical, emotional, and spiritual distress. We are able to untie the knot at the middle of every chakra, allowing energy to maneuver freely again, using chakra affirmations and methods similar to movement, massage, mindfulness and meditation. 

Methods to Use Chakra Affirmation?

To include chakra affirmations into your day by day routine, it’s best to partner the practice with something you already do day by day. Try inserting a chakra practice into your morning routine, for instance, or right into a bedtime ritual.

Energy flows where the mind’s attention goes. Thus, it’s most helpful should you can mix your chakra affirmation practice with mindfulness and meditation. Select a couple of chakras to talk out loud. As you speak each, visualize and sense into the particular area of the body where the chakra you’ve chosen is positioned. 

Remember these energetic centers are vibrant, flowing and changing. Having repeated your affirmation a couple of times, mindfully observe the energy that’s present. Allow for whatever arises, approaching sensation with a caring, kind curiosity.

How do I Select the Right Chakra Affirmations for Me?

In case you’re unsure the best way to select a chakra to work with, you’ll be able to select an affirmation for every. Begin with the basis chakra, muladhara, then work your way up through the body’s central channel. You would possibly even partner this practice with a body scan meditation.

At times, it might be clear there’s a particular energy you would like to work with. We would practice with the energy we feel most confident or joyful with, or an energy we feel needs more tender, loving care. The next guide can allow you to select.

  • Root Chakra (Muladhara): For grounding, stabilizing and calming energy.
  • Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): To work with craving and desire, creativity and joy.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): For the confident, empowering energy of assured self-worth.
  • Heart Chakra (Anahata): To reinforce loving-kindness and compassion for self and others.
  • Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): To cultivate fearless, authentic self-expression.
  • Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): To attach with the body’s deepest inner wisdom.
  • Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): To feel more closely connected to the spiritual and divine.

When working with chakras and affirmations, let your senses and the wisdom of the body be your guide. You’ll know what’s best for you by feeling your way into it, letting go of attachment to right and improper. 

Summing Up

Our body is a source of great wisdom, but additionally, holds our wounds and insecurities. By working with the body and its energy, we are able to let go of the pain the body holds and connect with the vast source of bliss and contentment inside. Practicing chakra affirmations day by day encourages the energy of the body to maneuver in a way that’s reflective of health, happiness and freedom.  


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