Monday, July 8, 2024
HomeMind and SoulWhat Do I Really Want?

What Do I Really Want?


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Guided Morning Meditation Tutorial

Considered one of the explanations that morning meditation is...

Transcript of: A Few Stray Points about Nonduality, with Jake Orthwein

From the Deconstructing Yourself PodcastHere’s the unique audio recording:...

Mindful Eating Journal Prompts – Nutrition Stripped®

Use these mindful eating journal prompts and reflection inquiries...
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Guided Nondual Meditation with Michael Taft

Oftentimes, in Buddhist practice, desire is taken into account to be something bad or unsuitable, or minimally something to do away with. And it’s true that many types of desire immediately cause suffering. Nevertheless, not all desires are negative. Some desires, reminiscent of the will for awakening, or the will to assist all beings be free from suffering, are literally helpful on the trail. By getting in contact with such desires, allowing them to arise in an enormous field of awareness, we notice a profound inner shift happening.

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