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HomeWorkout TipsIs Collagen Good For Men?

Is Collagen Good For Men?


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Within the complement industry, there may be a misconception that collagen is just for ladies because it’s utilized in hair, skin, and nail products. But, considering it’s essentially the most abundant protein within the body and plays a vital role in constructing muscles, tendons, ligaments, and more, it begs the query: “Can men take collagen too?”

The reply is a powerful yes. In truth, we’d go so far as to say that men not only can take it but should take it, especially since there are many quality collagen supplements designed for guys. We’re about to dive into the research highlighting the perfect collagen advantages for men.

Table of Contents:

  • What Is Collagen?
  • What Does Collagen Do?
  • Should Men Take Collagen?
  • Advantages Of Collagen For Men
  • Side Effects And Risks
  • How Does Collagen Work?
  • Best Collagen Complement For Men
  • FAQs

What Is Collagen?

Collagen is essentially the most prevalent protein within the body, with nearly 30% of all our body’s protein. We naturally produce collagen from the amino acids glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline, joined in a triple-helix structure called the collagen helix.

This unique triple-helix structure helps strengthen and support our muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, skin, and other connective tissues. Essentially, it provides the structural support for our tissues and elasticity to maintain them firm.

For a more in-depth have a look at collagen, try our article: What Is Collagen? Every thing You Need To Know

What Does Collagen Do?

There are 28 sorts of collagen within the body, including five most important types. Nearly 90% of all collagen is Type I, which provides structure to skin, bones, tendons, and ligaments. Type II can be helpful to men since it provides joint support, although most supplements contain multiple types.

Collagen might be found naturally in foods with connective tissue, like chicken, fish, and beef bone broth. 

Other than the indisputable fact that it helps strengthen protein tissues, men can use collagen supplements to enhance flexibility and cushion the joints, essential for injury prevention. Collagen supplements, normally derived from bovine or marine sources, can be found in various forms, including powders, pills, and liquids.

In the event you’re fascinated by learning more about collagen’s various forms, head to our article: Is Collagen Powder Or Pills Higher?

Is Collagen Good For Men?

Collagen is great for anyone, so many of the advantages of collagen supplements for ladies also exist for men. Men lose roughly 1% of their collagen production a 12 months as they reach their twenties, so a complement can assist in several areas.

It is a fundamental protein and essentially the most abundant within the body, so why would not you are taking it?

In the event you were to ask a young man within the gym what essentially the most essential complement is for muscle growth, they are going to likely answer protein. As a protein, collagen is important for supporting muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones.

Along with constructing muscle, collagen can assist prevent joint pain, which is significant for weightlifters and athletes. Finally, it may possibly provide a natural glow to your skin, keep your hair healthy, and customarily keep you looking young.

So as to add to the explanations to take it, several men have shared their success stories with collagen on Reddit, with one user saying: “I’m a dude. I prefer it. Helps my gut – helps me sleep higher.” (source)

One other Redditor stated, “I take 40-60 grams a day. Helps with skin plumpness, tone, hair. Helped my tendons greatly… Also great for teeth.” (source) Some users didn’t hesitate to state the plain, with one user, “You have got skin right?” (source

Advantages Of Collagen For Men

On this section, we’ll dive into the research to seek out the advantages of collagen supplements for men. 

1) Helps Construct Muscle:

One in all the highest advantages of collagen for men is muscle growth and constructing muscle mass. One serving of 14 grams of collagen peptides has 12 grams of protein, making it an excellent option to add extra protein.

One study tested how collagen peptide supplements affect muscle growth with resistance training in patients with sarcopenia (muscle loss). The outcomes showed that collagen led to significant improvements in fat-free mass, muscle strength, and a loss in fat mass1

2) Joint Health:

In the event you are an energetic male, you have likely handled joint pain in some unspecified time in the future. Fortunately, several studies have shown that collagen plays a key role in supporting joint health by promoting cartilage and connective tissue health.

One study examined how collagen affects athletes with joint pain. After 24 weeks, the outcomes showed significant improvement in pain, mobility, and inflammation2. Hydrolyzed collagen is the perfect type to cut back joint pain because it may possibly penetrate the deepest tissues.

3) Reduce Muscle Soreness:

One other good thing about collagen for men is reducing muscle soreness after exercise. One study examined the effect of consuming collagen peptides before and after exercise on muscle damage.

The outcomes showed that consuming 20 grams a day of collagen supplementation for only one week improved muscle soreness and countermovement jumps in comparison with a placebo3. So, should you’re on the lookout for something to support muscle recovery, collagen may very well be an excellent option!

4) Gut Health:

There’s collagen within the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in the idea that it could support the gut lining and digestion.

A two-phase study examined collagen peptides’ effects on digestion in healthy women. After eight weeks of 20 grams of collagen peptides every day, the ladies had significantly improved gut health. Over 93% of the ladies reported reduced digestion issues, resembling bloating and other mild digestive symptoms4.

Regardless should you’re a person or woman, you may profit from improving your gut health.

5) Hair And Skin Health:

Having healthy skin and maintaining a youthful appearance mustn’t be limited to women – men need skin support, too!

Skin is product of collagen, providing structural support, elasticity, and hydration. Several studies have shown the positive effects that collagen has on skin health. Collagen’s hydrating factor contributes to the skin’s natural glow, helping maintain a youthful appearance.

Further, improving skin hydration and skin elasticity helps keep the skin tight to eliminate wrinkles or high quality lines. Collagen intake also helps strengthen, rebuild, and repair damaged hair follicles and promote hair growth. 

Side Effects And Risks

Collagen supplements are generally secure once you follow the correct dosage, although there are potential negative effects. Negative effects rely upon the dosage, complement quality, and purity.

A number of the risks include:

  • Bloating or stomach discomfort
  • Diarrhea
  • Allergic reactions
  • Elevated calcium levels 
  • Constipation
  • Irregular blood sugar levels
  • Weight gain
  • Metal contamination (primarily marine-sourced collagen)

You’ll want to seek the advice of with a healthcare skilled before starting collagen. It’s best to avoid collagen supplements should you match the standards below:

  • Children
  • Susceptible to kidney stones
  • Kidney issues
  • Allergies
  • Digestive issues
  • Take medications
  • Have a medical condition

How Does Collagen Work?

In the event you have a look at how corporations market collagen supplements, you’ll notice they advertise that the complement helps restore and replenish the present collagen in our bodies. The different sorts of collagen (Type I, etc.) and the source are crucial to how the complement works.

There are 4 primary sources from which collagen is derived to make supplements: bovine (cows), marine (fish), porcine (pork), and poultry (chicken). Bovine collagen is mostly considered the perfect source since it is absorbed roughly 1.5 times more efficiently than other types.

Further, hydrolyzed collagen peptides, processed and broken down into smaller bits, have the perfect bioavailability since the body can absorb the smaller particles more efficiently.

Once we eat these collagen supplements, our bodies break down the collagen into the bottom amino acids, that are absorbed into the bloodstream. Once within the blood, the body can use the amino acids to repair existing collagen and support collagen synthesis. In addition they help repair muscle, improve skin elasticity, support joints, and promote overall health5.

This is essential because we lose roughly 1% of our natural collagen a 12 months, and our only other source is fish or animal meat. A healthy eating regimen high in protein and bone broth is right, but a collagen complement would pay dividends for years.

should men take collagen

What Is The Best Collagen Complement For Men?

Our pick for the perfect collagen for men is Primal Kitchen Collagen Peptides due to its high-quality, natural ingredients freed from preservatives or additives. Each serving incorporates 11 grams of unflavored bovine collagen peptides derived from South American cattle ranches.

Their peptides are a combination of type I and III (present in blood vessels). Each serving has roughly 40 calories derived from the ten grams of protein, and the powder dissolves easily without leaving any grit in your shaker cup.

Finally, Primal Kitchen Collagen Peptides is keto-certified, whole 30 eating regimen approved, gluten-free, and incorporates zero soy, whey, or dairy. It’s tested for purity, heavy metals, and other contaminants, so you may trust you’re getting a top-quality, secure product. Primal Kitchen also offers a subscribe-and-save option for an additional 10%. 

To learn more about this product and others, try our article: 9 Best Collagen Supplements To Support Bones, Joints, and Skin


These are essentially the most commonly asked questions related to collagen for men. 

How much collagen should a person take?

The beneficial dose of collagen good for men is between 15-20 grams every day, typically one to 2 servings.

At what age should men take collagen?

Since men lose around 1% of their natural collagen a 12 months of their twenties, the perfect time to begin is the early to mid-twenties.

Who mustn’t take collagen?

Children and other people with allergies, medical conditions, kidney issues, digestive issues, or in the event that they take medications, mustn’t take collagen. 

Is collagen good for the prostate?

Although there is restricted research, collagen is probably going good for the prostate since it helps support the tissue contained in the prostate gland.

Does collagen increase testosterone?

No, collagen doesn’t increase testosterone but may help increase muscle mass and support muscle tissue. 

Collagen Advantages For Men: A Summary

There’s a misconception that collagen is just for ladies because it’s commonly utilized in hair, skin, and nail supplements, but it surely has a big selection of health advantages for each men and ladies, especially athletes and gym-goers.

A number of the top reasons men should take collagen include promoting muscle growth, helping muscle recovery, joint support, gut health, and more. If you wish to construct the strongest muscles possible and maintain a youthful appearance, it’s best to consider a collagen peptide complement.

Guys, able to support muscle growth and joint health, while improving your skin and hair? Try our article 9 Best Collagen Supplements To Support Bones, Joints, and Skin to seek out your perfect fit.

do men take collagen


  1. ​​Zdzieblik, Denise, et al. “Collagen Peptide Supplementation in Combination with Resistance Training Improves Body Composition and Increases Muscle Strength in Elderly Sarcopenic Men: A Randomised Controlled Trial.” British Journal of Nutrition, vol. 114, no. 8, 10 Sept. 2015,
  2. Clark, Kristine L., et al. “24-Week Study on the Use of Collagen Hydrolysate as a Dietary Complement in Athletes with Activity-Related Joint Pain.” Current Medical Research and Opinion, vol. 24, no. 5, 15 Apr. 2008,×291967.
  3. Clifford, Tom, et al. “The Effects of Collagen Peptides on Muscle Damage, Inflammation and Bone Turnover Following Exercise: A Randomized, Controlled Trial.” Amino Acids, vol. 51, no. 4, 19 Feb. 2019,
  4. Abrahams, Mariette, et al. “Effect of a Day by day Collagen Peptide Complement on Digestive Symptoms in Healthy Women: 2-Phase Mixed Methods Study.” JMIR Formative Research, vol. 6, no. 5, 31 May 2022, p. e36339, 
  5. Wang, Hsiuying. “A Review of the Effects of Collagen Treatment in Clinical Studies.” Polymers, vol. 13, no. 22, 9 Nov. 2021,,


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