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HomeWorkout TipsDoes TRT Help With Weight Loss?

Does TRT Help With Weight Loss?


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Testosterone Substitute Therapy (TRT) has develop into more well-known for its possible effects on body composition than for its ability to spice up sex hormones. We all know that testosterone might help construct muscle, but what about helping you lose fat? Many individuals imagine it does, but do the facts support that belief?

This text seeks to supply the definitive answer to the query, ‘Does testosterone assist you to drop a few pounds.’ We’ll examine the physiological nuances, research, and aspects related to TRT and its potential effects on losing those excess kilos.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • What Is TRT?
  • Does TRT Help With Weight Loss?
  • How Long Does It Take To Lose Weight On Testosterone?
  • Side Effects And Risks
  • Best Testosterone Injection For Weight Loss
  • FAQs

What Is TRT?

Testosterone alternative therapy (TRT) is a doctor-prescribed treatment for low testosterone or hypogonadism. Testosterone is the first androgenic, or muscle-building, hormone within the human body, chargeable for developing sexual traits and male characteristics and influencing mood and energy levels. Testosterone also affects sex drive and performance.

As men age, their natural production of testosterone diminishes. Lifestyle and societal aspects also contribute to low testosterone levels. Symptoms of low testosterone include muscle loss, decreased strength, low sex drive, fat gain, and reduced bone density.

TRT is designed to bring testosterone levels back as much as a mean level of between 300 and 950 ng/dL. It involves taking synthetic testosterone under medical supervision and with a prescription through injections, gels, patches, or implants.

Does TRT Help With Weight Loss?

Yes, TRT has been shown to assist with weight reduction. Because the master androgenic hormone, testosterone increases the speed of protein synthesis, allowing the body to provide, repair, and distribute protein more efficiently. It also positively affects metabolism. In consequence of those improvements, you may train more effectively, maintain muscle mass, and higher utilize the food you eat for workout recovery.

TRT helps an individual construct lean muscle mass. The more muscle you have got in your body, the upper your basal metabolic rate. That is because muscle burns more calories at rest than fat, which can help with weight management. In men, fat tends to build up within the belly area. TRT may assist in redistributing fat away from the abdominal area, which is linked to improved metabolic health.

TRT improves mood, motivation, and energy levels. These aspects might help an individual stay heading in the right direction with the healthy lifestyle needed for long-term weight management. There may be some research to suggest that testosterone affects appetite as well.

When levels are low, appetite tends to be higher on account of a rise in ghrelin (the hunger hormone) production, so increasing levels through TRT may help regulate the appetite in order that the person eats less. This can help maintain the negative calorie balance needed for successful fat loss.

A 2014 meta-study took an in-depth take a look at the power of testosterone alternative therapy to influence weight reduction [1]. It was found that TRT had resulted in significant, long-term weight reduction in obese men over several studies. This weight reduction included a discount in waist circumference.

The study authors pointed to the next mechanisms of motion as being chargeable for the fat loss:

  • Testosterone positively affects myogenesis (the formation of latest muscle fiber) while inhibiting adipogenesis (the formation of fat cells).
  • TRT regulates protein, carbohydrate, and fat metabolism. Specifically, it increases glucose utilization and lipid oxidation, reducing fat storage.
  • TRT improved mood, motivation, and energy levels, leading to greater energy use through exercise amongst the lads.
  • Testosterone therapy increases lean body mass, increasing resting metabolism.

The study authors concluded that testosterone therapy increased lean body mass while reducing fat mass. These results produced sustained, significant weight reduction, drops in waist circumference, and lower BMI. Due to this fact, the researchers concluded that testosterone therapy is effective to treat obesity in men with a testosterone deficiency.

It must be noted that TRT has more of an indirect than a direct effect on weight reduction, especially in individuals who are usually not obese. Fairly than being a ‘magic pill’ for fat loss, normal testosterone levels can contribute to higher workout performance, reduced appetite, and greater motivation. But you continue to have to put within the labor within the gym and the kitchen to see results.

will testosterone help me lose weight

How Long Does It Take To Lose Weight On Testosterone?

How long it takes to drop a few pounds on TRT will depend on many aspects, including how low your testosterone level was at first of treatment, the sort and dosage of testosterone, your workout habits, and your weight loss program. Yet, we are able to get an idea from a mix of research and anecdotal experiences.

In line with a 2011 study, the consequences of TRT on fat cells occur after 3-4 weeks of starting treatment, reaching their maximum effect after 6-12 months [2]. Insulin sensitivity may improve after just just a few days, but it surely may take 3-4 months for it to affect glucose control. Changes in fat mass generally occur inside 12-16 weeks, stabilizing after 6-12 months.

There are some interesting comments from TRT users on Reddit on this subject. One user mentioned the necessity to distinguish between fat and weight reduction:

Here’s the experience of one other Reddit commenter:

Check our TRT Before And After: What To Expect & Real-Life Results article for more in-depth information on the body changes you may expect on TRT.

trt for weight loss

Side Effects And Risks

Listed here are some possible TRT unintended effects:

  • Cardiovascular Risk: Older men could also be at increased risk for heart attack and stroke.

  • Increased Red Blood Cell Count: TRT increases red blood cell synthesis, which could lead to blood clots.

  • Fluid Retention: Some people may experience fluid retention, which might raise their blood pressure. It’s crucial to observe fluid balance and blood pressure.

  • Pimples And Other Skin Problems: Higher testosterone levels can aggravate pimples and greasy skin.

  • Sleep Apnea: Those with sleep apnea might even see the condition worsen after they begin TRT.

  • Gynecomastia: High testosterone levels may cause tender or swollen breast tissue from an estrogen imbalance.

  • Mood Swings: Increased agitation and sudden mood swings could also be experienced.

  • Testicular Atrophy: Exogenous testosterone use can decrease the body’s natural testosterone synthesis, which can lead to testicular atrophy (shrinking).

It’s imperative to make use of TRT under the supervision of a licensed medical examiner who can evaluate your specific health situation, track your progress, modify dosages as crucial, and handle any potential opposed effects.

Regular checkups together with your healthcare skilled will help reduce risks and increase advantages of TRT, putting your general health and well-being first.

Best Testosterone Injection For Weight Loss

Before starting any TRT journey, it is suggested that you just speak with a trained healthcare skilled. A talented medical practitioner may evaluate your personal health, go over your medical background, and choose whether TRT is a superb option for you. They can even control your development and handle any potential difficulties or unintended effects.

Online TRT clinics offer a practical approach to receiving medical treatments, particularly for people on the lookout for distant appointments. These clinics steadily provide online examinations, virtual visits, and prescription services. Fountain TRT is a respected online TRT clinic that’s well-known for its knowledge of testosterone alternative therapy. We recommend contacting Fountain TRT for a preliminary assessment and proposals about testosterone injections for weight reduction.

Take a look at our article on the 8 Best Online TRT Clinics to learn more about some great benefits of using one and start.


We get a variety of inquiries to do with TRT and weight management. Listed here are the highest 5 questions we have gotten on TRT and weight reduction:

How much weight do you lose with TRT?

The quantity of weight you may lose on TRT can fluctuate widely depending in your age, activity level, starting weight, body composition, and hormonal balance.

Nevertheless, in the event you mix TRT with intense training and a calorie-reduced weight loss program, it’s best to have the ability to experience fat loss at a rate of a couple of pound per week. Do not forget that you might even be gaining lean muscle tissue during this time, so your scale weight may increase.

Does TRT reduce belly fat?

TRT may have the ability to assist reduce belly fat. Low testosterone levels have been linked with increased visceral body fat, the fat that surrounds the organs of the body, especially within the belly area. Some people also experience changes in body fat distribution after they undertake TRT.

Does reducing weight increase testosterone?

Yes, reducing weight can increase testosterone levels, especially in people who find themselves obese or obese.

As body fat’s excess production of enzymes causes hormonal imbalances, obesity often converts testosterone into estrogen, resulting in low T levels. Obesity also results in insulin resistance, which also has a negative impact on the production of testosterone.

Does testosterone make you hungry?

Testosterone may make some people more hungry. In others, it actually has the alternative effect.

The connection between testosterone and appetite is sort of complex, with many aspects coming into play. While increased muscle mass and metabolism may help regulate appetite, more testosterone may stimulate appetite by affecting the brain’s reward system, resulting in eating high-calorie food.

Can testosterone make you gain weight?

Yes, testosterone can contribute to weight gain. In some people, it could increase feelings of hunger. When you satisfy that hunger with foods high in easy carbohydrates, you’re more likely to gain fat weight. Testosterone therapy might also contribute to lean body mass gains, increasing overall body weight.

Testosterone And Weight Loss: A Summary

Shedding weight comes right down to a mix of sound nutrition, sleep, exercise, and hormonal balance. Testosterone plays a component in its ability to extend metabolism and lean body mass, fat distribution, and fat storage. Along with lifestyle modifications, TRT has shown promise in helping people drop a few pounds.

As all the time, it is important to make use of TRT cautiously and under a physician’s supervision. Seek the advice of a healthcare practitioner to find whether TRT is a superb option for you before making any decisions. 



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