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HomeWorkout Tips9 Best Dumbbell Back Exercises to Enhance Your Workouts

9 Best Dumbbell Back Exercises to Enhance Your Workouts


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Barbells, row machines, and cable machines are implausible tools for constructing a robust and muscular back, and since of that, they get lots attention by gym-goers. But what about dumbbells? Dumbbell back exercises often get neglected and are forgotten about in the search for the V taper look. And that’s an actual shame because in case you’re not using dumbbells on your back, you’re missing out on the next advantages:

  1. A wide range of coaching variables comparable to grip positioning and body positioning, which is great for each the event of your back and avoiding potential overuse problems with the joints.
  2. Greater exercise selection.
  3. Fixing strength imbalance.
  4. Increased range of motion for each contraction and stretching tension.
  5. Grip strength.

In this text, we are going to show you 9 highly-effective dumbbell back exercises to construct a robust and muscular back.

Table of Contents:

  • Anatomy of Back Muscles
  • Advantages of Dumbbells for Back Workouts
  • Training Variables (Body Position & Grip)
  • 9 Best Dumbbell Back Exercises
  • The Best Back Workout with Dumbbells
  • FAQs about back workouts with dumbbells

Anatomy of the Back Muscles

Back muscles are out of sight, and thus, normally out of mind (particularly for beginners). Nevertheless, they play a crucial role in shoulder health, posture, and performance.

Understanding the muscles of the back and the role they play helps you understand the importance of constructing them strong. It’ll also show you how to with maximizing muscle growth.

Listed below are the primary muscles and movements of the back.

  • Erector Spinae Muscles: The erector spinae is made up of three muscles – the Spinalis, Longissimus, and Iliocostalis – that run next to the spinal column from the lower back to the neck. They assistance will the movements of the top, lateral flexion, and extension of the spine. But their most significant function is to maintain the spine in neutral under load (anti-flexion and anti-lateral flexion – spinal stability).
  • Rhomboids: The rhomboids originate from the cervical (neck) vertebra and run diagonally down the back and fix to the inside the shoulder blades. Their primary movements are scapula adduction (coming together) and elevation (overhead presses) and inward rotation (once you’re bringing your arm back right down to your torso). 
  • Trapezius: That is one muscle broken up into three parts, the upper, middle, and lower traps. It’s a big flat triangular muscle that originates from the cervical spine and all 12 of the thoracic vertebrae. Their primary movements include scapula adduction, elevation, depression, and outward rotation.
  • Latissimus Dorsi: Or the lats for brief are the widest muscle within the human body they usually almost cover all back muscles except the traps. They originate from the scapula and spinous processes of the vertebrae of the thoracic spine all the way in which right down to the lumbar spine. The lats insert on the humerus, and all told the lats to hook up with five different points which include the spine, ribs, scapula, and pelvis. Its primary movements include shoulder extension and adduction, horizontal abduction and adduction, and shoulder internal rotation.


You is not going to have the option to lift more weight with dumbbells as in comparison with barbells, trap bars, and machines but there are a few necessary advantages of using dumbbells on your back training.

  • More Joint Friendly: Barbells lock you right into a certain range of motion and grip but not so with dumbbells. There’s more freedom of movement, plus you possibly can lift with a neutral grip, and each make it easier in your wrist, elbow, and shoulder joints. 
  • Strength Imbalances: Training unilaterally like with single-arm dumbbell rows will help strengthen imbalances between sides if any exist. Because with barbells and trap bars you’re engaging each side of your body at the identical time and one side can dominate over the opposite.
  • Higher Muscle Development: Even when lifting with two dumbbells, both sides of your body remains to be working independently to stabilize each dumbbell. Once you’re lifting consistently with two dumbbells the weaker side can catch as much as your dominant side, leading to higher muscle development in your weaker side. MOREOVER, with dumbbells you’ll typically achieve a terrific range of motion, which can help you create maximum muscle contraction and stretching tension. One other highly necessary aspect of constructing muscle and strength.
  • Easier To Use: Barbells require putting on and taking off plates and infrequently need other pieces of apparatus to perform exercises, like a bench for the bench press. Dumbbells are easier to make use of, require less setup, and are easier to pack away.

But probably the greatest advantages of dumbbells is the flexibility to alter up training variables, which ends up in a greater exercise selection. Allow us to explain…

Training Variables for Dumbbell Back Workouts

The primary training variables you could alter easily with dumbbells are:

Listed below are some prime examples…

Body Positioning:

To begin with, by changing up your body positioning, you possibly can alter how your muscles are targeted and emphasized. Essentially, you might be changing up angles which helps with full development of the back. 

With dumbbells, you possibly can positioning yourself in a bent over position, prone position (lying face down on a bench), incline prone position, seated bent over position and so forth. 

A dumbbell back exercise will typically be accessory exercises, so it is important that you just mix things up for hypertrophy purposes. 

Grip Positioning:

Grip is one other huge one. With dumbbells, you possibly can mess around with grip position in an efficient manner higher than another tool. 

You’ve underhand grip, overhand grip, neutral grip, and you possibly can even do a rotated grip. For instance, moving from overhand to neutral to underhand as you perform a row. 

With each grip, you’ll have a unique effect.

Take the bent over row exercise for instance:

With an OVERHAND GRIP, you’ll emphasize your upper back (traps, rhomboids, rear delts, teres major):

dumbbell exercises for upper back

With an UNDERHAND GRIP, you’ll emphasize your lats more:

lower back dumbbell exercises

With a NEUTRAL GRIP, you’ll goal the back muscles pretty evenly, and have a greater range of motion:

best dumbbell back exercises

Then after all, you could have UNILATERAL options, of which you need to use any grip:

Can you build back muscles with dumbbells 

On top of all that, you could have the angle of where you pull, i.e., you possibly can pull to chest, ab or hip level. All of those variables make a difference and ought to be implemented into your back training over time for one of the best possible development of your muscles. And that is what makes dumbbells so special. It is simple to implement necessary training variables!

dumbbell back exercises without bench


Listed below are nine of one of the best dumbbell exercises for the back. It is a mixture of bilateral and unilateral exercises to strengthen imbalances for higher muscle development and injury prevention.

1. Bent-Over Dumbbell Row

how to do dumbbell back rows

The dumbbell bent-over row is very similar to its barbell counterpart and one in all our favourite lat exercises with dumbbells. You need to use any grip for this, and we recommend doing all (remember the purpose about training variables above).

Nevertheless, considering the opposite exercises below, we selected an overhand grip here. An overhand grip db bent over row will goal your upper back, shoulders, biceps, and grip.

And since you’re within the hinge position this row variation improves lower back endurance through isometric contraction. This makes it a terrific accessory exercise for improving your deadlift since you’re holding the hip hinge under load for time.

perform the dumbbell Bent Over Dumbbell Row:

  1. With a dumbbell in each hand hinge at your hips until the dumbbells are below your knees.
  2. Along with your shoulders down and chest up squeeze your shoulder blades together and row the dumbbells to the front of your hips.
  3. You wish your elbows to be angled at about 45 degrees away from the torso throughout the movement.
  4. Pause in the highest position for a second after which slowly lower the dumbbells down and reset and repeat.

Best Rep Range: 8-15

Difficulty: Hard to difficult

Progression: Slow the eccentric, lift with tempo, or perform unilaterally

Regression: Deadstop row (see below)

2. Batwing row

dumbbell back exercises at home

Batwing rows are a dumbbell back exercise that fixes a standard mistake with dumbbells rows (plus it hits the back thoroughly). Lifters often go too heavy and use momentum and body English to row the dumbbells. This result in more bicep motion and fewer upper back engagement. But along with your chest glued to the bench and the limited range of motion, this could have you feeling your upper back like never before.

perform the dumbbell Batwing row:

  1. Lie face down on the burden bench along with your chest on the bench and legs straight. You can too use an incline bench position.
  2. Grip the dumbbells with a and retract your shoulders and pull the dumbbells to the surface of the bench.
  3. Your upper body stays glued to the bench in any respect times.
  4. Pause for a second and slowly lower down and rest and repeat.

Best Rep Range: 6-12

Difficulty: Medium to hard

Progression: Seal row (see below)

Regression: Any single-arm dumbbell row variation.

Note: A variation of the batwing row, which can require less weight, is to also perform a reverse fly-like motion after performing the row. You possibly can see a demonstration of this on Youtube.

3. Unilateral Dumbbell Carry

single dumbbell back exercises

Unilateral dumbbell carry may not seem to be a terrific back exercise, but it surely is. These are performed with the arm by your side, rack, or overhead with the overhead being the toughest position. By utilizing only one dumbbell, there’s a big demand on the core to keep up stability and a neutral spine. These carry variations put your lower and upper back under tension to keep up good posture which can help with muscle mass development. 

perform the dumbbell Unilateral Dumbbell Carry

  1. Select a dumbbell that’s between 25-50% of your body weight (select a weight that permits you to achieve the gap really useful below).
  2. Either hold the dumbbell by your side (suitcase) rack (in front of the shoulder) or overhead.
  3. Make sure that your body shouldn’t be tilting in some way.
  4. Slowly walk 40 yards maintaining good posture.
  5. Switch sides and repeat.

Best Rep Range: 40-100 yards

Difficulty: Easy to medium

Progression: Trap bar carries (allows for heavier loads)

Regression: Regular bilateral farmer carry (takes some focus off the core/spine)

4. Unilateral Deadstop Row

single arm dumbbell row

The deadstop row has a few benefits over other single-arm dumbbell row variations. First is the increased range of motion that comes from touching the ground. Plus, the pause on the ground takes the stretch reflex away making it harder to row up. The deadstop row is great for ironing out strength imbalances between sides, you’ll get extra core work too, and the flexibility to go heavier than other single-arm row variations.

perform the dumbbell Unilateral Deadstop Row:

  1. Start with around 60% of your usual rowing weight until you dial in your form.
  2. Standing within the front of a weight bench take your left leg off the bottom and hinge back and place your left hand on the bench.
  3. Grip the dumbbell along with your right hand and along with your shoulders down. Keep your arm straight within the starting position, then row the dumbbell up by pulling your elbows back.
  4. Slowly straighten your right arm out, then repeat for the allotted reps.
  5. Repeat this sequence along with your left arm for a similar variety of reps.

Best Rep Range: 8-12 reps

Difficulty: Easy to medium

Progression: Dumbbell bent-over row

Regression: Chest supported row (see below)

5. Seal Row

back exercises with dumbbells

The dumbbell seal row is a rowing variation that has you lay face down on an elevated weight bench. Very similar to the barbell version, you hold two dumbbells in each hand so that they’re not touching the ground. This position takes loads of the momentum out of the lift, so your upper back is doing a lot of the heavy lifting and never your biceps. Some lifters go too heavy with rows and use more biceps and fewer upper back and this leaves the rhomboids and middle traps neglected. The dumbbell seal row solves each issues. Oh, and it is also great for the rear deltoids if using a more wide grip, as pictured above.

perform the dumbbell Seal Row:

  • The important thing for the seal row is to set it up on a bench so you could fully extend your arms straight without the dumbbells touching the bottom.
  • Do that by propping up a bench on either two low boxes or a stack of weight plates.
  • Then, lie face prone on the bench with dumbbells on either side of you and squeeze your glutes and brace your abs.
  • Take into consideration pulling your hands towards the hip as row the dumbbells up until you’re feeling your upper back engage.
  • Lower right down to your arms are straight and reset and repeat.

Best Rep Range: 8-15

Difficulty: Medium to difficult

Progression: Dumbbell bent-over row

Regression: Chest supported row

6. Chest Supported Row

dumbbell isolation exercises for back

The dumbbell chest supported row is a dumbbell back exercise that replicates the seated machine row. Your chest stays on the pad as you pull. Limiting assistance out of your lower body makes this variation easier on the lower back and puts more emphasis in your upper back muscles for added size and strength. Plus, with an adjustable bench, you train your back from quite a lot of angles for higher muscle development.

Note: A seal row is solely a form of chest supported row where your feet will not be touching the bottom and you might be lying completely flat (prone). A chest supported dumbbell row may be done from a flat or incline bench (and even preacher bench) and along with your feet on the ground. 

perform the dumbbell Chest Supported Row:

  1. Set the incline weight bench at 45 degrees.
  2. Grip a pair of dumbbells and place your chest on the bench and lean into it.
  3. Secure your feet and let your arms hang down, holding each dumbbell with a neutral grip.
  4. Retract your shoulder blades and row the dumbbells towards the surface of the bench keeping your chest on the bench.
  5. Slowly lower down until arms are straight and reset and repeat.

Best Rep Range: 8-15

Difficulty: Medium to difficult

Progression: Dumbbell bent-over row

Regression: Unilateral deadstop row

7. RDL Row

exercises for back

The RDL row is a complete posterior chain exercise. Due to reduced points of contact, you’ll receive feedback in case your rowing form is off. In case you want a robust lower back, that is it.

perform the dumbbell RDL Row:

  1. Face a horizontal weight bench with a dumbbell in front of your feet.
  2. Along with your feet hip width apart, get into a very good hinge position, knees barely bent, and feel the strain in your hamstrings as you hinge forward, not your low back.
  3. Grip the dumbbell and row towards your hip keeping your shoulders down and chest up.
  4. Pause for a second and lower it with control until it reaches the ground. Pause, reset, and repeat.

Best Rep Range: 8-15

Difficulty: Difficult

Progression: None. That is as difficult because it gets

Regression: Unilateral deadstop row

8. Stability Bent Over Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise

dumbbells back

The bent-over rear delt raise can also be often called the reverse fly. Primally used so as to add volume to the rear deltoid that is a terrific exercise to isolate the muscles of the rhomboids and middle traps too. But by holding a squat rack or the highest of an inclined bench with one hand, you’ll strengthen imbalances between sides and the increased stability means you’ll use more weight. It is a win-win on your shoulders and upper back.

perform the Stability Bent Over Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise:

  1. Stand side on to a squat rack or something solid holding a dumbbell in the alternative hand.
  2. Hold the squat rack with one hand and stand along with your feet shoulder width apart, then hinge on the hips keeping your shoulders down and chest up.
  3. Along with your elbows barely bent, perform a rear delt raise (or fly) until you’re feeling a contraction in your upper back and shoulders. 
  4. Return to the starting position and repeat.
  5. Perform the identical sequence on the opposite side.

Best Rep Range: 12-20

Difficulty: Easy to medium

Progression: Perform with each hands with no stability.

Regression: Chest supported row.

9. Dumbbell Row To Hip

build back muscle

Awesome for lat workouts, the dumbbell row to hip is like every other row apart from a slight tweak. Rowing to the surface of the hip helps to focus on the hard-to-reach lower lats. Once you start the exercise, as an alternative of rowing up, take into consideration pulling back to your back hip. This adjustment will lead to an arc-like range of motion, which really targets the lower lats. Rowing this manner prevents the shrugging of the upper traps while doing single arm rows, a standard form flaw.

perform the dumbbell Row to Hip:

  1. Support your non-working hand and knee on a bench holding a dumbbell in a single with the back leg straight. 
  2. With a firm grip of the dumbbell (overhand, underhand or neutral are all acceptable) bring the dumbbell forward of your working shoulder and row the dumbbell to the surface of your hip. 
  3. Keeping your shoulders down and chest up for the whole exercise.
  4. Pause for a second and slowly lower right down to the starting position and repeat for reps.
  5. Repeat sequence on the opposite side.

Best Rep Range: 12-15

Difficulty: Medium to difficult

Progression: RDL row

Regression: Deadstop row

Warm-up Your Back Before Training

The aim of the warm-up is to get the blood moving from the abdomen to your back and shoulder muscles. This gets your muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints ready for motion. Performing some foam rolling drills for the back with arms overhead and with the scapula spread apart will assistance will blood flow and show you how to ease your body into training.

Then performing a couple of low-intensity back exercises just like the TRX IYT, face pulls and band pull aparts for 8-15 reps will get the back and shoulders mobilized and able to roll.


The very best back workouts with dumbbells will goal different areas of your back, including the upper, middle, and lower back muscles. Here’s an efficient dumbbell back workout routine:


Sets x Reps

Bent-Over Rows (underhand)

3 x 10-12

Bent-Over Rows (overhand)

3 x 10-12

Single Arm DB Rows

3 x 10-15

Stiff-Leg or RDL

3 x 10-12

Dumbbell Pullover

3 x 10-15

Dumbbell Shrugs

3 x 15-20

Dumbbell Back Exercises FAQ:

To wrap things up, let’s go over some continuously asked questions on training your back with dumbbells. 

Which exercises work the back best?

There are three primary movements patterns to work your back muscles: horizontal pulls, vertical pulls, and shoulder extension.

Horizontal pulls include variations of rows. Your body will likely be in a bent over position or seated, and you will likely be pulling the burden towards your torso. Rows will primarily goal your lats, rhomboids, and traps. A few of the best horizontal pulls are bent over rows, one arm rows, and seated rows.

Vertical pulls include variations of pull ups/chin ups and lat pulldowns. Your torso will likely be vertical and also you will likely be pulling the burden down from an overhead position. Vertical pulls will primarily goal your lats and lower traps.

Shoulder extension exercises include pullovers and lat pushdowns. You will likely be “pulling” the burden down from overhead without bending your elbows. If that is confusing for you, simply raise your arms above your head after which bring them down in front of you without bending your elbow. That’s shoulder extension, and it primarily targets your lats.

In case you do a minimum of one exercise for each of those primary movement patterns, that will likely be all of your back needs to achieve strength and construct muscle. You can too do shrugs to present your upper traps a bit more love.

construct my back with dumbbells?

To construct your back muscles with dumbbells, you just have to do horizontal pulls, vertical pulls, and shoulder extension exercises, and it is advisable eat enough calories to be in a caloric surplus. Furthermore, it’s essential to be sure that you might be getting enough protein as protein is the constructing block for muscles. Take a look at this at home back workout for a terrific muscle-building routine.

How do you’re employed your upper back with dumbbells?

Your upper back’s primary muscles are the traps and rhomboids. To best goal these muscles, perform rows along with your elbows more out wide, comparable to wide grip dumbbell bent over rows.

How do you’re employed your mid back with dumbbells?

Your “mid-back” consists of your lats, traps, and rhomboids. To best goal the center back muscles, you shoulder perform rows along with your elbows more tucked in, comparable to single arm rows or close grip dumbbell rows.

How do you’re employed your lower back with dumbbells?

Your lower back includes your erector spinae and your lats (the lats are an enormous muscle!). To focus on your lower back with dumbbells, you possibly can perform db deadlifts and variations of deadlifts like RDLs. That is great for constructing strong spinal erectors. As for the lower region of your lats, you possibly can goal it with low rows (pulling toward your hips) as well.

Are shrugs back or shoulders?

Dumbbell shrugs goal your upper traps, which is a component of your back. Nevertheless, some people prefer to do shrugs on shoulder day, which is perfectly high quality.

Are dumbbell deadlifts effective?

Yes, dumbbell deadlifts are effective. The one issues are you could put your back in a comprising position in case you let the dumbbells touch the ground (but this may be fixed by stacking up some weight plates) and also you simply can’t lift as heavy with dumbbells as you possibly can a barbell (but this can only change into an issue as you progress to considerably heavy loads).

Are you able to strengthen your back with dumbbells?

Yes, dumbbells generally is a useful gizmo for strengthening your back muscles. By incorporating dumbbell exercises into your workout routine, you possibly can goal specific muscle groups in your back and increase overall strength and stability.

Listed below are one of the best exercises for strengthening your back with dumbbells:

  • Single Arm Rows (Kroc Rows for heavy dumbbells)
  • Bent Over Rows (underhand/overhand/neutral grips)
  • Dumbbell Shrug
  • Stiff Leg Deadlift (low back)
  • Dumbbell Renegade Row aka Plank Row (back focused, yet full body)

Are you able to train your back the fitting way? The Ultimate Back & Biceps Workout


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